Usually, we cover the air – in this
blog post we’ll do a short „water excursion“. There are many different
ships in the world’s navies today. They all have different applications
and some classifications are exclusive to certain countries. Different
countries have put their effort into different kinds of ships and some
have invested in almost all of them. For the reader with basic
knowledge, we try to shed some light on to that classification. In this
article, we will look into the different types of surface and submerged
vessels and what navies operate them. The first ship on the list:
De Zeven Provinciën-class air-defence and command frigate of the Royal Netherlands Navy.
Frigates are usually regarded as ships
weighing more than 3000 tons. Its role is to protect other ships of its
strike group, the main part of this responsibility is to protect them
from hostile submarines. The Frigate does not have any actual definition
which means that they have similarities to corvettes, destroyers and
even cruisers. The Littoral combat ships are by some regarded as
HSwMS Helsingborg of the Swedish Visby class. It features a stealth hull which decreases its radar cross section by 99%.
A Corvette is a small warship with light
arms. Due to this and their high maneuverability they are great in
smaller seas, the Red Sea for instance, which is an important reason –
along the comparably low cost – many of the world’s navies operate them
(just to give you some examples: The US, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil,
Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Germany, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran,
Israel, Italy, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey… Due to Russia being connected to
many smaller seas they have invested a lot in Corvettes and are by that
the world’s biggest operator of corvettes.
American destroyer USS Winston S. Churchill of the Arleigh Burke class.
Destroyers are among the widely used
ships in the world due to their wide range of use. Their combination of
high firepower and high endurance make them ideal for both wars, escort
and (other) peace-keeping operations. The name „Destroyer“ comes from
the Russo-Japanese war in the early 20th century where they were named
„Torpedo boat destroyer“. Today they are the heaviest surface combatants
after the cruiser.
The Ticonderoga-class cruiser USS Cowpens fires its missiles.
Cruisers – The cruiser is the strongest
of them all. It is built to have great firepower and to be able to take
out everything that its strike group can face. Due to its high cost and
narrow mission capability, only the US, Russia and Peru (old ships)
operate them. The line between cruisers and destroyers is not very
obvious due to some of the new destroyers (DDG-1000 for instance) having
greater firepower than some cruisers.
Amphibious Assault Ships
A Tarawa class amphibious assault ship of the USN shows its good deck.
These ships are warfare ships used to
support ground troops in forms of ammunition, transport, refuelling of
vehicles and to protect them from incoming enemy aeroplanes and surface
vessels. Most of them have both a helicopter deck (where VTOL aeroplanes
such as the F-35 as
well as helicopters can disembark from) and a good deck where small
amphibious vessels can be maintained and repaired. Some of them are
regarded as aircraft carriers, for instance, the Japanese aircraft
carriers Izumo has been renamed to „helicopter destroyer“ even though it
looks like an aircraft carrier.
Aircraft Carriers
Admiral Kuznetsov of the Russian Navy
The definition of an aircraft carrier is
“A large naval vessel designed as a mobile airbase, having a long flat
deck on which aircraft can take off and land at sea”. Just as the
definition says it is used as a naval base and aircraft operation
centre. The aircraft carriers are the biggest military ships in the
world with some weighing over 100 000 tons and the capability to house
almost 6000 men. An alternate name of carriers is Supercarriers which
is the name of aircraft carriers weighing more than 66 000 tons. The
only country that operates more than 2 aircraft carriers is currently
the United States
Littoral Combat Ships

USS Freedom (back) and USS Independence (front) are both littoral combat ships of the US Navy.
Littoral combat ship – A small class of
ships specialised to operate in zones with very shallow waters where
other, bigger ships cannot be used. Under this name, there are only a
few operational and they all belong to the US Navy. According to the
United States Navy’s webpage, the LCSs are “envisioned to be a
networked, agile, stealthy surface combatant capable of defeating
anti-access and asymmetric threats in the littorals”. They were also
built to be a complement for the new DDG-1000 and future cruisers. The
American Littoral combat ships are sometimes regarded as big corvettes.
Submarine – Attack
Dolphin-class of the Israeli Navy.
Attack submarine is the submarine type
designed to take out other submarines and surface ships. They all use
torpedoes to hunt their prey and some use cruise missiles in VLS to have
an even greater range of targets. Due to their low visibility, they are
great to protect friendly ships and to gather information about the
Submarine – Ballistic Missile
of the US Ohio class – one of its ballistic missiles is 150 times more
powerful than both the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs combined.
This type of submarine is specialised to
go out on the sea, hide, and then launch SLBMs with nuclear (or
conventional) warheads to take out strategically important enemy
targets. The second-strike capability was to ensure the „no first use“
of nuclear weapons during the Cold War. Strategic submarines are the
traditional – but expensive – method of providing a second strike
capability. The other one would be „Launch on warning“. The new nuclear
submarines can stay out at sea for months, at any instance being able to
launch a missile of mass destruction from thousands of kilometres away.
Due to this, all of the modern ballistic missile submarines have
nuclear reactors as the energy source which gives them a nearly
„unlimited“ range.
Submarine – Cruise Missile

Kilo class cruise missile submarine.
A cruise missile submarine is a
submarine that can launch cruise missiles (SLCMs). They have extreme
firepower, for instance, the cruise missile submarine class Ohio can
launch 154 cruise missiles without refuelling nor re-arming. The earlier
types of cruise missile submarines had to surface before launching
their missiles but that problem has been fixed and they can now launch
their missiles without being seen with the naked eye.
Countries using the different types of ships (this info might come to change):
Type: | Countries operating them: | Example of ship: |
Frigate | United States, Australia, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Taiwan, United Kingdom. |
Amphibious assault ship | United States, France, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Australia, United Kingdom. |
Destroyer | United States, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Canada, India, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia. |
Aircraft carrier | United States, India, Italy, China, Spain, France, Russia, Brazil, Thailand. |
Littoral combat ship | United States |
Cruiser | United States, Russia, Peru |
Corvette | United States, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Germany, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey. |
Attack submarine | United States, Russia, India, France, China |
Ballistic missile submarine | United States, France, China, Russia, United Kingdom. |
Cruise missile submarine | United States, Russia, United Kingdom, Israel, India, China. | US Ohio-class Israeli Dolphin-class |
Picture of the US Norfolk Naval Base
Norfolk Naval base in Virginia (US) is
the largest American naval station where many of the US Navy’s
vessels are stationed. Explore the Norfolk Naval Base
As can be seen, many of the definitions
go into each other with some ships belonging to several of them (for
instance the LCSs). The definitions are no “rules” but more like general
guidelines to get some kind of system and organisation. Of course, the
ships of the same classification can differ a lot due to age, cost and
the environment they are built for. What can be seen is that the smaller
ships with larger areas of use are present in many navies, whereas the
bigger navies with bigger financial support have ships that are both
bigger and built for specific tasks. One country like that is the United
States which has ships belonging to every group presented in this
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