How much does a jet cost to operate?
Fighter Jets are very expensive to operate MiGFlug’s customers sometimes react surprised when they hear the costs, especially of the MiG-29 supersonic flight (which starts at EUR 13,500 for the 45min supersonic flight or 11,500 for the non-supersonic 25min...
How can I fly an F-15?
As you probably know – we are currently trying to cover questions we are often being asked by potential clients. We recently talked about flying with the Blue Angels and how you can rent a fighter jet as a non-military pilot. In the Blue Angels post, we also...
The combat statistics for all the aircraft currently in use
We’ve lately been talking about aircraft which have gone for combat several times. Now we’ve been thinking of some statistics of various fighter aircraft in use. Below you can find the details – but first of all we would like to show you an overview,...
Our favorite military aviation films!
A lot of real world military aircraft have appeared in several movies. These appearances show the popularity of the aircraft with the general public. They also get the opportunity to showcase their capabilities to the public. We aviation geeks from around the world...
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