Continuing from the previous
tutorial, this project will show you how to set up the low-level
hardware to measure temperature, read the zero-cross detector, drive the
TRIAC, and print to the serial terminal using a USART.
See Part 1: Control Your AC Mains with a MicrocontrollerLast time, we built the TRIAC driver and zero-cross detection circuitry to interface with 120V AC mains voltages. It's a very capable bit of circuitry, but without a proper controller, the end result wasn't all that interesting since it could only turn on or off the waveform and not dim it. In this project, we are writing C code on an Atmel ATmega328P microcontroller to accomplish several key tasks: 1. Read zero-cross signal with external interrupt and drive TRIAC with a special form of pulse-width modulation 2. Use the Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and Transmitter (USART) to display debug data 3. Interface with MAX31855 thermocouple amplifier over the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) 4. Create a general purpose millisecond timer to help facilitate timeouts, timestamps, and non-blocking delays
Bare metal C means that we are writing very low-level code -- C is just a single step up from assembly language as far as abstraction goes. This means we'll be manipulating bits in specific registers, specifying interrupt vectors directly in our interrupt service routines (ISRs), and sometimes dealing with raw memory allocation with
. There are some macros that make this process a little easier for us in macros.h
make the code cleaner to read), but familiarity with some of the actual
inner workings of the ATmega328P and the names it uses for different
registers and components is very important. The complete datasheet (PDF) for the chip has all that info in it and is worth keeping on hand. Programming from the Gound Up may be a helpful resource as well for getting comfortable with low-level development.I'm using some code from Andy Brown and his ATmega8 oven controller. There is some drop-in code reuse, some tweaked bits, and some totally different implementations. In addition to having a different controller, he wrote his code in C++ and uses a different build system, but I still want to give him full credit for the previous work he's done.
Supplies Needed
This project is mostly software, so the parts count is relatively small. You'll need:- 3.3V ATmega328P microcontroller board with crystal oscillator (necessary for propery USART functionality)
- Arduino Pro Mini (3.3V)
- Built your own - Plenty of tutorials out there on breadboarding your chip and doing a true barebones solution
- In-circuit Serial Programmer (ICSP)
- AVR Dragon - I use this one. Lots of features and relatively cheap
- Arduino Uno - Other main Arduino boards can be used as a programmer as well.
- USB-Serial Adapter
- CH340/CH341
- FT232RL - Needs to work at 3.3v! I have this 5V model but I cut trace on the back and added a switch:
- MAX31855 breakout
- Home grown
- Adafruit
- Functioning TRIAC AC controller
- Computer running Linux with
, andgdb-avr
installed. It's possible to do this on Windows or Mac but that is outside the scope of this project.
TRIAC Controller
This section is the bread and butter of the controller. The
file consist of several parts: an oven_setup()
, oven_setDutyCycle(percent)
, and the three ISRs to deal with different timing-critical events.Oven Controller Initization Function
void oven_setup(void)
// Setup inputs and outputs
// Initial values for outputs
// Configure external interrupt registers (Eventually move into macros.h)
EICRA |= (1 << ISC01); // Falling edge of INT0 generates an IRQ
EIMSK |= (1 << INT0); // Enable INT0 external interrupt mask
// Enable Timer/Counter2 and trigger interrupts on both overflows & when
// it equals OC2A
TIMSK2 |= (1 << OCIE2A) | (1 << TOIE2);
Output Intensity Function
void oven_setDutyCycle(uint8_t percent)
uint16_t newCounter;
// percentages between 1 and 99 inclusive use the lookup table to translate a linear
// demand for power to a position on the phase angle axis
if(percent > 0 && percent < 100)
_percent = pgm_read_byte(&powerLUT[percent - 1]);
// calculate the new counter value
newCounter = ((TICKS_PER_HALF_CYCLE - MARGIN_TICKS - TRIAC_PULSE_TICKS) * (100 - percent)) / 100;
// set the new state with interrupts off because 16-bit writes are not atomic
_counter_t2 = newCounter;
_percent = percent;
array is used to map the linear percentage scale to a non-linear curve.
With a linear scale, the actual power output change between 1% and 2%
or 97% to 98% is significantly less than that at 50% to 51%. This is due
to the sinusoidal nature of the quarter waveform we're dimming. This
remapping lookup table helps to correct that -- see Update 1: improving the phase angle timing
for more info. The PROGMEM attribute places the whole array into FLASH
memory instead of RAM, saving space for the actual program. This will be
useful for constant string storage as well later on in the series.Zero-Crossing Interrupt
/* 0 is an off switch. round up or down a percentage that strays into the
* end-zone where we have a margin wide enough to cater for the minimum
* pulse width and the delay in the zero crossing firing */
if(_percent == 0)
// either user asked for 100 or calc rounds up to 100
else if(_percent == 100 || _counter_t2 == 0)
// Comparison to a constant is pretty fast
// Also a constant comparison so also pretty fast
// round half up to completely off
// Counter is acceptable, or has been rounded down to be acceptable
OCR2A = _counter_t2;
TCNT2 = 0;
TCCR2B = (1 << CS20) | (1 << CS21) | (1 << CS22); // start timer: 8MHz/1024 = 128uS/tick
variable is set to, it will either turn the oven full on, full off, or
set the Timer/Counter2 "Output Compare Register A" to a value
corresponding to the "off time" after zero-cross interrupt fires. It
then clears Timer/Counter2 and starts the timer.Timer/Counter2 Comparison Interrupt
// Turn on oven, hold it active for a min latching time before switching it off
// The overflow interrupt will fire when the minimum pulse width is reached
Timer/Counter2 Overflow Interrupt
// Turn off oven
// turn off the timer. the zero-crossing handler will restart it
TCCR2B = 0;
In normal C or C++ programming on a computer, functions likeassert()
and sprintf()
can print formatted text to the terminal and help with debugging. In
order to communicate with our device, we need to implement some way of
printing to a terminal. The easiest way of doing that is through serial
communication with the ATmega's USART and a USB-serial converter.USART Initialization Function
void usart_setup(uint32_t ubrr)
// Set baud rate by loading high and low bytes of ubrr into UBRR0 register
UBRR0H = (ubrr >> 8);
UBRR0L = ubrr;
// Turn on the transmission and reception circuitry
UCSR0B = (1 << RXCIE0) | (1 << RXEN0 ) | (1 << TXEN0 );
/* Set frame format: 8data, 2stop bit */
UCSR0C = (1<3<// Use 8-N-1 -> Eight (8) data bits, No (N) partiy bits, one (1) stop bit
// The initial vlaue of USCR0C is 0b00000110 which implements 8N1 by
// Default. Setting these bits is for Paranoid Patricks and people that
// Like to be reeeeeally sure that the hardware is doing what you say
UCSR0C = (1 << UCSZ00) | (1 << UCSZ01);
, there is the standard usart_setup(uint32_t ubrr)
initialization function that enables the hardware and establishes the
baud rate (bits/second) and transmission settings (8 data bits, no
parity bits, 1 stop bit). This is hard-coded to 9600 baud for now in the
file.Print Single Byte Function
void usart_txb(const char data)
// Wait for empty transmit buffer
while (!(UCSR0A & (1 << UDRE0)));
// Put data into buffer, sends the data
UDR0 = data;
Printing Helper Functions
/*** USART Print String Function ***/
void usart_print (const char *data)
while (*data != '\0')
/*** USART Print String Function with New Line and Carriage Return ***/
void usart_println (const char *data)
usart_print("\n\r"); // GNU screen demands \r as well as \n :(
function. usart_println()
just has an extra step to print a new line and a carriage return.Interrupt on Receive
unsigned char ReceivedByte;
ReceivedByte = UDR0;
UDR0 = ReceivedByte;
was written as a placeholder for future development. When a character
is received from the USB-serial converter, an interrupt is fired and it
echos that same character to the output so it shows up on the screen.General Purpose Timer
General delay and time comparison functions are very helpful in a lot of microcontroller applications. The_delay()
function in
is helpful for small delays since it uses a while loop and nop
instructions to do nothing for the specified amount of time. This
prevents anything else from happening in the program, however. To deal
with measuring longer blocks of time that allow for the program to
continue, we use one of the free hardware timers and interrupts. On the
ATmega328P, Timer/Counter0 is kind of gimpy and doesn't have as much
functionality as Timer/Counter1 and Timer/Counter2 so it's a small
triumph to be able to use it for something useful. We still have T/C1
but it would be nice to save it for something more complicated in the
future.Timer Initization Function
void msTimer_setup(void)
// Leave everything alone in TCCR0A and just set the prescaler to Clk/8
// in TCCR0B
TCCR0B |= (1 << CS01);
// Enable interrupt when Timer/Counter0 reaches max value and overflows
TIMSK0 |= (1 << TOIE0);
Return Current System Time Function
uint32_t msTimer_millis(void)
uint32_t ms;
// NOTE: an 8-bit MCU cannot atomically read/write a 32-bit value so we
// must disable interrupts while retrieving the value to avoid getting a
// half-written value if an interrupt gets in while we're reading it
return ms;
variable which is updated every millisecond.General Purpose Millisecond Delay Function
void msTimer_delay(uint32_t waitfor)
uint32_t target;
target = msTimer_millis() + waitfor;
while(_ms_counter < target);
utility function. It accepts as an argument the amount of milliseconds you'd like it to wait for and blocks with a while()
loop until finished. This should still only be used for short delays.Time Difference Measurement Function
uint32_t msTimer_deltaT(uint32_t start)
// Return difference between a starting time and now, taking into account
// wraparound
uint32_t now = msTimer_millis();
if(now > start)
return now - start;
return now + (0xffffffff - start + 1);
Timeout Detection Function
bool msTimer_hasTimedOut(uint32_t start,uint32_t timeout)
// Check if a timeout has been exceeded. This is designed to cope with wrap
// around
return msTimer_deltaT(start) > timeout;
function at whatever speed you want but it will only update according to its timeout interval.Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt
if((_ms_subCounter & 0x3) == 0) _ms_counter++;
TCNT0 += 6;
variable every millisecond.Temperature Sensor
The functions and data structures used to interface with the MAX31855 temperature sensor are a little different than the previous ones. I'm using a pseudo-object oriented paradigm where there is a structure named max31855 which is defined in
:typedef struct max31855
int16_t extTemp; // 14-bit TC temp
int16_t intTemp; // 12-bit internal temp
uint8_t status; // Status flags
uint32_t lastTempTime; // "Timestamp"
uint32_t pollInterval; // Refresh rate of sensor
} max31855;
, a struct and a pointer to it are created and
any time the temperature needs to be read or the values need to be
printed to the USART, the struct pointer is passed as an argument to the
different functions.Temperature Sensor "Object" Constructor
max31855 *max31855_setup(void)
// Reserve some space and make sure that it's not null
max31855 *tempSense = malloc(sizeof(max31855));
assert(tempSense != NULL);
// Initilaize struct
tempSense->extTemp = 0;
tempSense->intTemp = 0;
tempSense->status = UNKNOWN;
// Not sure why Andy Brown makes his last temp time start at 0xFFFFD8EF but
// it works... Maybe it's to test timer0 wrap around / guarantee causality:
tempSense->lastTempTime = 0xFFFFFFFF - 10000;
tempSense->pollInterval = DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL;
// Set GPIO direction
// Enable pullup on ~CS
// Set outputs to default values
// Enable SPI, Master, set clock rate fosc/4 (already default but we're
// Paranoid Patricks over here and also like to make our code clear!)
SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR);
SPCR &= ~((1 << SPR1) | (1 << SPR0)); // Not necessary............
// Super speed 2x SPI clock powerup!
SPSR |= (1 << SPI2X);
return tempSense;
and makes sure that it's not NULL. Since there is no sprintf()
built into the AVR libraries by default, if the condition is true, it
just aborts the program by forcing it into an endless loop. It then
configures GPIO and turns on the hardware SPI peripheral.Read and Update Temperature Sensor Function
bool max31855_readTempDone(max31855 *tempSense)
if(msTimer_hasTimedOut(tempSense->lastTempTime, tempSense->pollInterval))
uint8_t i; // Loop index
uint32_t rawBits = 0; // Raw SPI bus bits
// Bring ~CS low
// clock 4 bytes from the SPI bus
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
SPDR = 0; // start "transmitting" (actually just clocking)
while(!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))); // wait until transfer ends
rawBits <<= 8; // make space for the byte
rawBits |= SPDR; // merge in the new byte
// restore CS high
// parse out the temp / error code from the raw bits. Are switch
// statements bad? I dunno. Maybe. Who cares?
uint8_t d = rawBits & 7; // Are there any errors?
tempSense->status = OK;
// Only when tempterature is valid will it update temp. To get
// Celcius integer, temp bits isolated with & bitmask, shifted
// to right to align LSB (18 for extTemp, 4 for intTemp),
// shifted to right again to get Celsius (extTemp = 0.25C per
// bit >> 2; intTemp = 0.0625 C per bit >> 4)
tempSense->extTemp = rawBits >> 20;
tempSense->intTemp = (rawBits & 0x0000FFF0) >> 8;
// Extend sign bit if negative value is read. In an oven. HA!
if(tempSense->extTemp & 0x0800)
tempSense->extTemp |= 0xF000;
if(tempSense->intTemp & 0x0020)
tempSense->intTemp |= 0xFFC0;
// Set temps to something obviously wrong
tempSense->extTemp = -22222;
tempSense->intTemp = -11111;
// Which error code is it?
case 1:
tempSense->status = OC_FAULT;
case 2:
tempSense->status = SCG_FAULT;
case 4:
tempSense->status = SCV_FAULT;
tempSense->status = UNKNOWN;
// Update the timestamp and let the read loop unblock
tempSense->lastTempTime = msTimer_millis();
return true;
return false;
function. If the timeout has been met, it clocks the SPI bus and reads
in 32 bits of data. If the reading is valid and there aren't any error
bits set, it parses out the temperature (both internal reference and
external thermocouple) to the nearest integer. If there is an error, the
temps are set to something obviously erroneous and the appropriate
status flag is set.Status Message Helper Function
const char *max31855_statusString(uint8_t status)
return "UNKNOWN";
case OK:
return "OK!";
return "SCV_FAULT";
return "SCG_FAULT";
case OC_FAULT:
return "OC_FAULT";
return "Err";
Temperature Sensor Printing Function
void max31855_print(max31855 *tempSense)
// max(int16_t) = "65535" + '\0'
char buffer[6] = {0};
usart_print("Status: ");
usart_print("External Temp: ");
usart_println(itoa(tempSense->extTemp, buffer, 10));
usart_print("Internal Temp: ");
usart_println(itoa(tempSense->intTemp, buffer, 10));
function and print using the USART.Putting it All Together
file is just a small test file that initializes all the other parts through the (device)_setup
command, flushes anything in the USART and then goes into an endless
loop. In the loop, it fades the TRIAC drive intensity in and out and
constantly tries to read the temperature. Since there's a poll interval
specified in the max31855_readTempDone()
function, it will only update and print status and temperature at that rate./*** main.c ***/
#include "globals.h"
int main(void)
// Globally disable interrupts
// Setup oven, timers, USART, SPI
// Something kinda like OOP in C
max31855 *m = max31855_setup();
// Flush USART buffer
// Clear interrupt flag by reading the interrupt register
// Specify that it's 'unused' so compiler doesn't complain
uint8_t dummy __attribute__((unused)) = SPSR;
dummy = SPDR;
// Turn on global interrupt flag
// "Hello World" startup message
usart_println("Hot Toaster Action");
// Main program loop
// "Fade" duty cycle in and out with single for loop
int i = 0;
int dir = 1;
for (i = 0; i > -1; i = i + dir)
// Control power output
// Switch direction at peak and pause for 10ms
if (i == 100) dir = -1;
// If it's done reading, print the temp and status
if(max31855_readTempDone(m)) max31855_print(m);
return 1;
# Name of target controller
# ...
# ID to use with programmer
# ...
# Name of our project
# ...
# programmer id
# ...
# port
# ...
Once everything is to your liking, type make
to compile and sudo make writeflash
to upload to your board. If everything went according to plan, it should look something like this:Conclusion
The next step is to get an actual toaster in the mix and start developing feedback controls for it. We're going to get into some control theory in the next article and write some test scripts to characterize the behavior of our system. That way we can create a robust, fast, and reliable controller regardless in the face of small perturbations and varying oven types. Keep hacking away!Give this project a try for yourself! Get the BOM.
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