purpose of a nuclear power plant is not to produce or release “Nuclear Power.”
The purpose of a nuclear power plant is to produce electricity. It should not
be surprising, then, that a nuclear power plant has many similarities to other
electrical generating facilities. It should also be obvious that nuclear power
plants have some significant differences from other plants.
Concepts Manual

a turbine is attached to the electrical generator, the kinetic energy (i.e.,
motion) of the wind, falling water, or steam pushes against the fan-type blades
of the turbine, causing the turbine, and therefore, the attached rotor of the
electrical generator, to spin and produce electricity.

In a
hydroelectric power plant, water, flowing from a higher level to a lower level,
travels through the metal blades of a water turbine, causing the rotor of the
electrical generator to spin and produce electricity.

In a
fossil-fueled power plant, heat, from the burning of coal, oil, or natural gas,
converts (boils) water into steam (A), which is piped to the turbine (B). In
the turbine, the steam passes through the blades, which spins the electrical
generator (C), resulting in a flow of electricity. After leaving the turbine,
the steam is converted (condensed) back into water in the condenser (D). The
water is then pumped (E) back to the boiler (F) to be reheated and converted
back into steam.

In a nuclear power plant, many of the components are similar to those in a fossil-fueled plant, except that the steam boiler is replaced by a Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS). The NSSS consists of a nuclear reactor and all of the components necessary to produce high pressure steam, which will be used to turn the turbine for the electrical generator.

a fossil-fueled plant, a nuclear power plant boils water to produce electricity.
Unlike a fossil-fueled plant, the nuclear plant’s energy does not come from the
combustion of fuel, but from the fissioning (splitting) of fuel atoms.
(% U-235)

The most common fuel for the electrical producing reactor plants in the United States is uranium. The uranium starts out as ore, and contains a very low percentage (or low enrichment) of the desired atoms (U-235). The U-235 is a more desirable atom for fuel, because it is easier to cause the U-235 atoms to fission (split) than the much more abundant U-238 atoms. Therefore, the fuel fabrication process includes steps to increase the number of U-235 atoms in relation to the number of U-238 atoms (enrichment process)

the fuel has been enriched, it is fabricated into ceramic pellets. The pellets
are stacked into 12-foot long, slender metal tubes, generally made of a
zirconium alloy. The tube is called the “fuel cladding.” When a tube is filled
with the uranium pellets, it is pressurized with helium gas, and plugs are
installed and welded to seal the tube. The filled rod is called a “fuel rod.”
The fuel rods are bundled together into “fuel assemblies” or “fuel elements.”
The completed assemblies are now ready to be shipped to the plant for
installation into the reactor vessel.
boiling water reactor and pressurized water reactor fuel assemblies consist of
the same major components. These major components are the fuel rods, the spacer
grids, and the upper and lower end fittings. The fuel assembly drawing on page
1-11 shows these major components (pressurized water reactor fuel assembly).
fuel rods contain the ceramic fuel pellets. The fuel rods are approximately 12
feet long and contain a space at the top for the collection of any gases that
are produced by the fission process. These rods are arranged in a square matrix
ranging from 17 x 17 for pressurized water reactors to 8 x 8 for boiling water reactors.
spacer grids separate the individual rods with pieces of sprung metal. This
provides the rigidity of the assemblies and allows the coolant to flow freely
up through the assemblies and around the fuel rods. Some spacer grids may have
flow mixing vanes that are used to promote mixing of the coolant as it flows
around and though the fuel assembly.
upper and lower end fittings serve as the upper and lower structural elements
of the assemblies. The lower fitting (or bottom nozzle) will direct the coolant
flow to the assembly through several small holes machined into the fitting.
There are also holes drilled in the upper fitting to allow the coolant flow to exit
the fuel assembly. The upper end fitting will also have a connecting point for
the refueling equipment to attach for the moving of the fuel with a crane. For
pressurized water reactor fuel, there will also be guide tubes in which the
control rods travel. The guide tubes will be welded to the spacer grids and
attached to the upper and lower end fittings. The guide tubes provide a channel
for the movement of the control rods and provide for support of the rods. The
upper end of the control rod will be attached to a drive shaft, which will be
used to position the rod during operations.
brief description and a picture of boiling water reactor fuel can be found in
Chapter3 (pages 3-3 and 3-7).

At the nuclear power plant, the fuel
assemblies are inserted vertically into the reactor vessel (a large steel tank
filled with water with a removable top). The fuel is placed in a precise grid
pattern known as the “reactor core.”

are two basic types of reactor plants being used in the United States to
produce electricity, the boiling water reactor (BWR) and the pressurized water
reactor (PWR). The boiling water reactor operates in essentially the same way
as a fossil-fueled generating plant. Inside the reactor vessel, a steam/water
mixture is produced when very pure water (reactor coolant) moves upward through
the core absorbing heat. The major difference in the operation of a boiling water
reactor as compared to other nuclear systems is the steam void formation in the
core. The steam/water mixture leaves the top of the core and enters two stages
of moisture separation, where water droplets are removed before the steam is
allowed to enter the steam line. The steam line, in turn, directs the steam to
the main turbine, causing it to turn the turbine and the attached electrical
generator. The unused steam is exhausted to the condenser where it is condensed
into water. The resulting water (condensate) is pumped out of the condenser
with a series of pumps and back to the reactor vessel. The recirculation pumps
and the jet pumps allow the operator to vary coolant flow through the core and
to change reactor power.
water reactors are manufactured in the United States by the General Electric
Company, San Jose, California. Boiling water reactors comprise about one-third
of the power reactors in the United States.

pressurized water reactor (PWR) differs from the boiling water reactor in that
steam is produced in the steam generator rather than in the reactor vessel. The
pressurizer keeps the water that is flowing through the reactor vessel under
very high pressure (more than 2,200 pounds per square inch) to prevent it from
boiling, even at operating temperatures of more than 600EF. Pressurized
water reactors make up about two-thirds of the power reactors in the United
States. Pressurized water reactors were manufactured in the United States by
Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), Babcock and
Wilcox Company (Lynchburg, Virginia), and the Combustion Engineering Company
(Windsor, Connecticut).

Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR)
type of reactor uses helium gas instead of water as its media for removing heat
from the core. The only high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) in the
United States was the Fort St. Vrain plant in Colorado. The plant was
manufactured by General Atomic Company of La Jolla, California. High temperature
gas-cooled reactors are widely used in other countries.

nuclear power plants generate approximately 22% of the electricity produced in
the United States. The total generation is approximately 3,800 thousand
comparison purposes, nuclear generation accounts for the following of the total
electrical production in some other countries: 75% in France, 46% in Sweden,
43% in Ukraine, 39% in south Korea, 30% in Germany, and 30% in Japan.
electricity produced in the United States from nuclear power is equivalent to
31% of the world’s total nuclear generated electrical power. This compares with
16% for France, 13% for Japan, 7% for Germany, 5% for Russia, and 4% for South
Korea and United Kingdom.

are currently 104 licensed commercial nuclear power plants in the United
States. Of the 104 plants, 48 were built by Westinghouse, 35 by General
Electric, 14 by Combustion Engineering, and 7 by Babcock & Wilcox.
illustration above shows the breakdown of the plants, by vendor, assigned to
the four NRC Regions.

operate properly, all steam plants, whether nuclear or fossil-fueled, need a
circulating water system to remove excess heat from the steam system in order
to condense the steam, and transfer that heat to the environment. The
circulating water system pumps water from the environment (river, lake, ocean) through
thousands of metal tubes in the plant’s condenser. Steam exiting the plant’s
turbine is very rapidly cooled and condensed into water when it comes in
contact with the much cooler tubes. Since the tubes provide a barrier between
the steam and the environment, there is no physical contact between
plant’s steam and the cooling water. Because a condenser operates at a vacuum,
any tube leakage in this system will produce an “inflow” of water into the
condenser rather than an “outflow” of water to the environment.

plants located on the ocean (or other large bodies of water) will often
discharge their circulating water directly back to the ocean under strict
environmental protection regulations. Water is taken from the ocean, pumped
through the thousands of small tubes in the condenser to remove the excess
heat, and is then discharged back into the ocean. The expected temperature
increase from circulating water inlet to outlet is about 5 to 10 degrees

nuclear power plants not located on the ocean need cooling towers to remove the
excess heat from the circulating water system. One type of cooling tower is the
forced draft cooling tower. The circulating water is pumped into the tower,
after passing through the condenser, and allowed to splash downward through the
tower, transferring some of its heat to the air. Several large electrical fans located
at the top of the cooling tower, provide forced air circulation for more
efficient cooling.

taller hourglass shaped, natural convection cooling towers do not require fans
to transfer the excess heat from the circulating water system into the air.
Rather, the natural tendency of hot air to rise removes the excess heat as the
circulating water splashes down inside the cooling tower. These towers are typically
several hundred feet tall.

“steam” vented from the top of a cooling tower is really lukewarm water vapor.
warm, wet air from inside the cooling tower contacts the cooler, dryer air above
the cooling tower, the water vapor which cannot be held by the cooler air forms
a visible cloud. This is because the colder the air is, the lower its ability
to hold water. The released cloud of vapor will only be visible until it is
dispersed and absorbed by the air. The graph above shows air’s ability to hold water
as air temperature increases.
The major structures at a pressurized water
reactor plant are:
The containment building, which houses the reactor and its high pressure steam
generating equipment;
The turbine building, which houses the steam turbines, condensers, and the
generator; and
The auxiliary building, which houses normal and emergency support systems (such
the residual heat removal (RHR) system, fuel handling and storage
equipment, laboratories,
maintenance areas, and the control room).
Depending upon the plant location and
environmental regulations, there may or may not be a cooling tower to remove
the excess heat from the facility.

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