Thermographic inspection - LEKULE

25 Feb 2016

Thermographic inspection

Thermographic inspection

Infrared scanning is a well-suited tool used for
troubleshooting of motors. By using infrared scanning,
it is possible to detect problems in the motor that
can cause the temperature to rise, such as worn-out
bearings, lack of lubrication or heat from friction of the
rotating parts.

The infrared scanning makes it possible to detect and
photograph hot spots in the motor. Thus, the scanning
makes it possible rapidly to take action when the hot
spots have been identified and avoid any damage to
the motor.

Thermographic of a pump which is handling hot water

Manually operated equipment for measuring surface temperature.

Under normal circumstances, thermographic surveys are carried out during regular operation and under full load conditions. The survey diagnosis is used to detect maintenance problems in the motor and can in the long run increase the effectiveness of the maintenance program.

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