Operator safety Motor Control Center solutions review - LEKULE


29 Nov 2015

Operator safety Motor Control Center solutions review

MCC Drawer operation

This article is related to our collaborative Newsletter, special edition which has been dedicated to a review of new Motor Control Center drawer solutions to improve the safety of operators (closed door operation, internal arc resistant … ).

If you didn’t read this newsletter yet, click here to view it, then come back here to answer the related questions below.

Thank you to contribute to the validation, completion and enrichment of this review, by answering the following questions

 (add your answers below as a comment to this topic)
  • Do you agree with us that this solution is a real improvement for operator safety?
    Or do you know other solutions which are more relevant/efficient to improve operator safety?
  • Do you see other advantages of such solutions (reduced down-time? reduced insurance cost? …)?
    And what are the drawbacks? Why isn’t it more frequently used today?

    Closed door operation - changing drawer position
  • Are the comparison criteria clear enough? comprehensive?
    Do you know other manufacturers or products?
    In which countries?
  • Do you use these solutions in your country? In which applications?


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