Operator safety Motor Control Center solutions review (continued…) - LEKULE


29 Nov 2015

Operator safety Motor Control Center solutions review (continued…)

Drawer operation behind closed door

In our neswletter n°33 “special edition”, we have shared a preliminary review of the new MCC drawer solutions which can improve operator safety.
Among the feedback, one surprise was that it seems that maintenance operators are less and less qualified, even in critical sites.
 This post is to collect complementary comments after the related debate of the month in our newsletter n°34.

If you have read the debate, you can add a comment to this post:
>> if you DON’T AGREE that maintenance operators are less and less qualified:
>>  just tell us the trend you see in your country / sector

>> if you  AGREE that maintenance operators are less and less qualified:
>> tell us what would be the best solution (additional safety vs overcost) to compensate the loss of competence :

1. remote operation of drawers

2. IP maintained in all drawer positions (even with the drawer extracted from switchboard)

3. closed door operation of drawers (insertion/extraction … done behind the closed drawer door)

4. internal arc resistant

5. thermal measurement of temperature inside the drawer with power live and without risks to access live parts

6. Other

 Thanks in advance for your contribution to the community knowledge sharing !

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