A-6E Intruder - LEKULE

4 Aug 2019

A-6E Intruder

The A-6E was an all-weather, two seat, subsonic, carrier-based attack aircraft. It was equipped with a microminiaturized digital computer, a solid state weapons release system, and a single, integrated track and search radar. The target recognition/attack multi-sensor (TRAM) version of the A-6E was introduced to the fleet in 1979. It was equipped with a chin turret containing a forward-looking infra-red (FLIR) system and a laser designator and receiver.

The A-6E proved once again that it was the best all-weather precision bomber in the world in the joint strike on Libyan terrorist-related targets in 1986. With Air Force FB-111s, A-6E Intruders penetrated the sophisticated Libyan air defense systems, which had been alerted by the high level of diplomatic tension and by rumors of impending attacks. Evading over 100 guided missiles, the strike force flew at low levels in complete darkness, and accurately delivered laser-guided and other ordnance on target. Composite wing replacement and systems/weapons improvement programs maintained full A-6E combat systems capability, with initial operational capability realized in FY 88 with VA-75 deployment onboard USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67).

The 19 December 1996 launch of an A-6E Intruder from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) marked the last Intruder squadron to fly from the deck of an aircraft carrier. The Intruder Attack Squadron 75 of Carrier Air Wing 7, known as the Sunday Punchers, was decommissioned in early 1997.


Length:54 feet 8 inches
Wing Span:53 feet
Height:15 feet 6 inches
Weight:Take-off max gross: 60,400 pounds;
take-off max gross (carrier): 58,600 pounds;
empty weight: 28,000 pounds
Speed:563 knots
Ceiling:40,600 feet
Propulsion:Two Pratt & Whitney J52-P8B engines (9,300 pounds thrust each)
Armament:10 2.75" Rocket Pod
10 5" Zuni Rocket Pod
28 Mk-20 Rockeye 
Mk-77 Napalm
28 Mk-81 (250 lbs) 
28 Mk-82 Snakeye 
13 Mk-83 (1,000 lbs) 
  5 Mk-84 (2,000 lbs) 
20 Mk-117 (750 lbs) 
28 CBU-78 
GBU-10E Laser Guided Bomb
GBU-12D Laser Guided Bomb
GBU-16B Laser Guided Bomb
AGM-123A Skipper II
AGM-45 Shrike 
AGM-62 Walleyes 
AIM-9 Sidewinders
System Weapon Improvement Program, SWIP
AGM-65 Maverick Anti-Ship Missile 
Contractor:Grumman Aerospace Corporation
Unit cost $FY98
[Total Program]
$43 million.
Current InventoryNone. Withdrawn from service in early 1997
VRML 3-D Model

A-6 Intruder 
VRML by Soji Yamakawa


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