Fairview Microwave Announces New Series of UHF Waveguide Antennas for R&D Applications - LEKULE

24 Jun 2019

Fairview Microwave Announces New Series of UHF Waveguide Antennas for R&D Applications

This expansive family of antennas is designed for laboratory settings (including R&D and military applications) for 40 GHz to 220 GHz bands.
Fairview Microwave's new line of waveguide antennas are designed for wireless communication in test and measurement, R&D, and military/aerospace applications between 40 GHz and 220 GHz bands. Fairview also states that the antennas are suitable for "experimental radar" applications.

Image from Fairview Microwave

The new product line has five categories:
  • Standard gain horn antennas for frequencies up to 220 GHZ
  • Conical gain horn antennas for frequencies up to 220 GHZ
  • Omni-directional antennas for frequencies up to 99 GHZ
  • Horn lens antennas for frequencies up to 99 GHZ
  • Wide-angle scalar feed horn antennas for frequencies up to 99 GHZ
The waveguide sizes of these antennas range from WR5 to WR19, with gains of 3.5 dBi to 25 dBi nominal. Each represents a solution for point-to-point and/or point-to-multi-point applications.

Standard Gain Horn Antennas

Standard gain horn antennas are used in a wide variety of applications due to their high power handling capability, low loss, high directivity, and near-constant electrical performance across a broad bandwidth.

Standard gain horn antennas: Image from Fairview Microwave

A member of this group, the FMWAN1032 has a gain of 25 dBi and is suited for frequencies ranging from 140 GHZ to 220 GHZ. It has a waveguide size of WR-5 and a UG-387/U-Mod Round Cover Flange.

Conical Gain Horn Antennas

These antennas share many characteristics with standard gain horn antennas.

Conical gain horn antennas. Image from Fairview Microwave

The FMWAN1068 WR-5 waveguide conical gain horn antenna offers low gain variation across its operating frequency range and 11 degrees of half power beam width.

Omni-Directional Antennas

Fairview Microwave’s omnidirectional antennas offer operating frequencies from 58-99 GHz and can be used in a wide variety of applications. They offer low gain variation across their operating frequency. Members of this group all have horizontal and vertical beam widths of 360° and 45°, respectively.

Omnidirectional antennas. Image from Fairview Microwave

The FMWAN1089 has a UG-387/U round cover flange and a waveguide size of WR-10. It operates over a frequency range of 89 GHz to 99 GHz.

Horn Lens Antennas

These antennas feature gains of 32 dBi to 40 dBi and have very tight horizontal and vertical beam widths.

Horn lens antenna. Image from Fairview Microwave

The FMWAN1086 has a gain of 40 dBi and operates from 89 GHz to 99 GHz.

Wide Angle Scalar Feed Horn Antennas

The devices all sport a gain of 10 dBi with horizontal and vertical beam widths 56° and 55°, respectively.

Wide angle scalar feed horn antennas. Image from Fairview Microwave

The FMWAN1074 has a UG-385/U-Mod Round Cover Flange, a waveguide size of WR-10, and operates over a 89 GHz to 99 GHz frequency range.

Around the Industry

RF-Lambda offers a range of waveguide horn antennas covering a frequency range of 320 MHz to 330 GHz. The RW3HORN25C operates over a range of 217 GHz to 330 GHz. This device meets MIL-STD-39016, with a hermetically sealed version meeting MIL-STD-883.

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