18 Apr 2019


The TH-57 aircraft is the military version of the commercial Model 206 Jet Ranger helicopter manufactured by Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. The aircraft is powered by one Allison Gas Turbine 250-C20J turboshaft engine downrated to 317 shaft horsepower. The primary mission of TH-57 is to train student naval aviators in the fundamentals of helicopter flight for their transition to operational fleet aircraft in the U. S. Navy, U. S. Marine Corps, and selected international armed forces.

TH-57 aircraft was procured as a commercial derivative aircraft certified under FAA Type Certificate. Throughout its� life, the aircraft has been commercially supported using COTS/NDI components and a combination of Navy and FAA processes, procedures and certifications to support airworthiness. Aircraft modification efforts are "turnkey" projects (non-recurring engineering, procurement, installation, test and certification) implemented as part of competitively awarded maintenance contracts.


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