In the intelligence community, "tradecraft" refers
to agents' advanced espionage tactics. That meant creating clever
disguises, conducting surveillance, using concealments, procuring secret
information and exchanging secure messages with other agents.
"Spies can be ingenious in the way that they communicate," said Peter
Earnest, executive director of the International Spy Museum in
Washington, DC. He cites miniature dots containing text that came to
prominence during World War II. "Somebody can still use that kind of
From Biblical times until the 20th Century, spy operations were pretty
much person-to-person, said former director of the CIA’s Office of
Technical Service Robert Wallace. He and historian H. Keith Melton
detail such tactics in their books "Spycraft" and "The Official CIA
Manual of Trickery and Deception."
Earnest and Wallace share these 10 classic spy tactics gleaned from
declassified information.

Clandestine surveillance remains a hallmark of
covert operations. In "Spycraft," Wallace and Melton describe cameras
hidden in unusual places, audio equipment for listening to conversations
through walls, and even a pipe with a receiver so the officer could
bite the stem and detect hostile radio communications nearby. In the
1970s, the CIA worked on a mini unmanned aerial vehicle shaped like a
dragonfly called the "Insectothopter."
When the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology celebrated its
40-year anniversary in 2003, it revealed a realistic looking robotic
catfish dubbed "Charlie." Built in 2000, the device's true mission has
never been revealed, but experts think its aim was to sample and test
water around nuclear plants and facilities.
“You build in it the necessary filters to take samples," Wallace
suggested. "Then you recover the fish downstream and evaluate those
When the fish was revealed, the Associated Press consulted with a
scientist who said the fish was so realistic that predators might target
it. Robotic fish have caught on in the academic arena, though. Many
institutions now use robo-fish for environmental monitoring.

During the 1960s, integrated circuits represented a
major breakthrough. Before that, transmitters were unreliable and
required huge batteries.
“Integrated circuits reduced power consumption, made reliability almost
100 percent, and allowed a reduction in size," Wallace said. New devices
were a tenth the size of previous ones. “That means you could put
bugging devices about anywhere you wanted to."
When U.S. supplies were dropped by parachute into remote jungle areas
during the Vietnam War, tiny beacons were attached so that U.S. soldiers
could follow the signal, Wallace said. He added that, conversely, spies
could carry beacons disguised as a branch or a cane, leave it at a
specific location, and then moments later an attack fleet would hone in
to hit the target.

One well-known spy technique called the dead drop
involved placing an item or message in a device. An agent then signals
to a handler that the drop has been made -- in the past that meant
marking a signpost or building corner with chalk, Peter Earnest said.
Hollow coins could carry messages. Although the space inside was
extremely small, agents could put in a microdot. This micro writing
system developed by the CIA in the 1960s and 70s required a high-powered
magnifier to read concealed messages.
The most famous espionage case involving a hollow coin occurred in 1953
when a Russian agent inadvertently gave his hollow nickel to a newspaper
boy. When the boy dropped the coin, a microphotograph fell out. It
would take the F.B.I. four years to decipher the instructions encoded in
the tiny photo.
Micro writing was effective, Wallace said. "It was just very difficult.
It had a lot of potential for human error."

Spies must be ghosts, not poltergeists. To avoid
detection, they used maps like this one printed on silk that don't
rustle. The British Directorate of Military Intelligence MI9 issued
cufflinks containing tiny compasses during the late 1930s through the
One tactic Wallace and Melton detail in Spycraft involves using
equipment dubbed a “Jack-in-the-Box." This simple device was a suitcase
containing a dummy designed to look just like an agent from the
shoulders up. An agent in a car who wants to escape surveillance could
wait for a sharp turn, roll out the passenger side, and open the
“Even though you are only out of surveillance for five seconds, that was
long enough for the officer to roll out of the car quickly into the
shadows," Wallace said.
“Surveillance, looking at the car ahead of them, would still see two
people in the car." In 1982, CIA officers used the device to evade KGB
surveillance reestablish contact with an informant.

What's an agent to do when caught with compromising
notes? During World War II, spies could keep sensitive information in a
special Pyrofilm Combustible Notebook, Wallace said. This notebook
contained film that would ignite when triggered by a particular pencil.
Working like a grenade, the paper would burn and the whole thing would
disappear within seconds.
The CIA's one-time pads of paper were used between agents for secure
communication using encryption that's virtually unbreakable. Once they
were used, the pages could be torn off and destroyed.
“After that, we developed water-soluble paper," Wallace said. “You could
take notes on this paper but if you were about to be compromised you
could immediately just dump the paper in the toilet or run water over

In the mid-1950s, spies had to be ready to spike a
drink in a pinch. Wallace and Melton's book “The Official CIA Manual of
Trickery and Deception" outlines several strategies for dispensing
liquids, powders and pills without the recipient noticing.
Glove-wearing lady-spies of the era had a particular advantage with
their handkerchiefs, and could sew small containers into them. While
lighting someone else's cigarette, the matchbook could be used to
dispense a small tablet into their cup. All in the flick of a wrist.
Wallace said he particularly liked the trick where a standard Number 2
pencil became a tool for delivering a pill or powder -- up to 2.5 CCs --
simply by manipulating the eraser and the metal band around it.
“It can be a knockout pill, it can be a hallucinogenic," he said. “I
suppose it could be lethal, if you wanted it to be."

Steganography is the practice of leaving a concealed
message out in the open. Wallace credited magician John Mulholland for
introducing new tactics for this kind of communication to the CIA when
he became their consultant in 1953.
“He wrote about how you can communicate," Wallace said. “He talked about
how magicians could communicate when they were doing tricks." One
method for communication was how shoelaces were tied. Connecting them
between the holes on both sides of a shoe in different ways signaled
certain things such as “follow me" or “I have brought another person."
Hiding messages in plain sight continues to be an effective tactic. Just
look at Al Qaeda. “We have seen that used by the terrorists," Earnest
said. In a case that was just reported, Al Qaeda embedded secret
documents in a porn video.

Get that document and get out. Pulling out a small
scanner would help today, but spies had to use different techniques
decades ago. The CIA Museum now displays this letter removal device from
World War II. When inserted into the unsealed gap in an envelope flap,
the device grasped the paper and wound it around pincers so it could be
extracted without anyone the wiser.
Another way to retrieve documents involved magician's wax, the kind that
temporarily attaches to objects. To use this technique, described in
Wallace and Melton's book “The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and
Deception," first wax was placed on a book cover. In the blink of an
eye, the book is used to grab a paper. All the agent had to do is
remember to hold the book so that the paper side faces the body or the

Long before cell phones, the CIA's Office of
Technical Service was developing what it called a short-range agent
communications systems or SRAC. When two officers communicated securely
with each other using a SRAC device, they didn't need to risk being
spotted in the same location, Melton and Wallace explain in "Spycraft."
An early SRAC device from the 1970s had code names like “DISCUS" and
“BUSTER," and resembled a large calculator and contained a keyboard with
a stylus for punching in 256 characters, Wallace said.
Using “burst transmissions," these systems allowed agents to transmit
messages across about a quarter-mile range, communicating in bursts
through coded messages that were automatically deciphered and displayed.
Although the signal could potentially be intercepted, this
communication technique represented a significant advancement in
“This meant that you didn't have to meet an agent to get information,"
Wallace said. “You could actually transmit it in real time."

That spy film staple, the so-called “brush pass"
used to pass documents or a package between agents, can be traced back
to the Cold War era. The technique was developed to be used in hostile
areas where U.S. agents were under constant surveillance, Earnest said.
“It's very elaborate," he said. “You're staging this but you are
arranging for you and the agent to pass each other surreptitiously
somewhere." Highly choreographed, the handoffs took place quickly in
alleys, on corners, in subway stairwells.
In late 2009, an elderly couple, Walter and Gwendolyn Myers, was
convicted on charges that they'd spent several decades spying on the
United States for Cuba. Among their tactics, according to the F.B.I.,
was a variation of the brush pass. Gwendolyn exchanged shopping carts in
grocery stores with contacts to pass along information.
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