Cartridge development continues to progress, and the game is changing.
The last couple of decades have seen many new cartridges come onto
the scene, some revolutionary, and some nothing more than a fizzle.
We’ve seen a number of cases released based on some variation of the
classic .404 Jeffery, whether at full length and blown out, in the
instance of Remington Ultra Magnum series, or drastically shortened, in
the case of Winchester Short Magnum (WSM), Winchester Super Short
Magnums (WSSM), and the Remington Short Action Ultra Magnums (SAUM).
We’ve also witnessed Nosler develop a similar idea for their line of
proprietary cartridges, giving velocities in the magnum class from
cartridges that fit in a standard, long-action rifle.

The 6.5 Creedmoor began a cartridge trend of low recoiling cartridges with high B.C. bullets.
We’ve seen a few more attempts at perfecting the method of launching a
.30-caliber bullet at 2,950 feet per second (fps) – which in my opinion
has been pretty well nailed shut – and have heard the world utter the
phrase “six-five” (6.5) more times than ever before. We’ve seen
cartridges shrink in both size and horsepower, relying instead on the
shape and length of the bullet to maintain the best downrange
ballistics. These are part of a shift to low-recoiling cartridges that
allow the shooter to extend his or her time at the range, without
punishing both rifle and shooter. In many ways, things have come
full-circle, and mostly as a result of the great improvement in optics.

The high velocity, hard kicking magnums may have seen their heyday; only time will tell.
Firstly, I personally feel the short, fat trend has seen its day. The
WSM and associated cartridges have had ample time to establish
themselves, though currently it seems that the .300 WSM is the only one
of the lot that shows the potential to survive. The .270 Winchester and
7mm Remington Magnum are holding steady, knocking the WSM variants in
these calibers off the stage. The WSSMs seem to have been abandoned,
with ammunition becoming rarer than hen’s teeth. The rigidity of the
short action – and the purported improvement in accuracy – didn’t have
the effect that many thought it would, and I feel that the magnum-level
short action cartridges are just about done. Not that they don’t work –
feeding issues aside – but the cartridges they were supposed to replace
remain strong in the field. Unfortunately for those who enjoy their
rifles chambered for these (with the exception of .300 WSM), I feel
ammunition is going to become increasingly rare.

The WSM and WSSM series will more than likely fade into obscurity, with the exception of the .300 WSM, center.
Secondly, I feel the seriously fast cartridges are also on the wane.
The Remington Ultra Magnum series has seen a decline of late, with
ammunition becoming difficult to obtain. Perhaps the hunting community
has followed the target shooters in realizing that the long range
equation is better solved with less velocity and a bullet with a better
Ballistic Coefficient than the reverse. While the RUM series, and the
Nosler series as well, certainly work, they are hard on the shoulder,
ears and the bullet itself. They can make an unholy mess at short range,
where the impact velocity is high, and when using them I definitely
prefer a premium bullet. At any rate, I think the biggest, fastest
cartridges are losing popularity. Will they fade away? Probably not;
there are always those shooters who enjoy the speediest cartridge,
though these cartridges will see less and less exposure.

The Creedmoor is equally at home as a target cartridge and a hunting cartridge.
The development of the .260 Remington and 6.5 Creedmoor certainly
brought the wonders of the 6.5mm bullets into the modern era, but I also
firmly believe the 6.5×55 Swede was the answer to a question that
wouldn’t be asked for a century. It’s a simple matter of twist rate,
combined with low recoil. The 6.5mm bullets – due to the fast twist rate
– can be longer for caliber than many others, hence the use of
160-grain bullets in the Swede and the 6,5×54 Mannlicher-Schoenauer
since the early 1900s. It was a no-brainer for any modern cartridge to
deliver a 140-grain 6.5mm bullet of very high Ballistic Coefficient
which would give unprecedented downrange performance; had we been able
to produce reliable optics in 1900, the long-range game most certainly
would’ve been afoot.

The .224 Valkyrie is changing the game for .22 centerfire rifles.
The 6.5 Creedmoor led to John Snow’s development of the 6mm
Creedmoor, and I’m certain the pair inspired both the .22 Nosler and
Federal’s .224 Valkyrie; all of them rely upon the B.C. of the bullet,
combined with an appropriate twist rate, to give the downrange
performance we’re after. The fact that they’re all designed around the
limiting dimensions of the AR magazine is a moot point, the formula
works. Low-recoil, combined with the retained energy and wind deflection
values of these high B.C. bullets, makes for a combination that just
plain works.
I think these cartridges will not only stay with us for quite some
time, but will be the cornerstone for cartridge development. Looking at
twist rate, those cartridges which are traditionally produced with a
‘slow’ twist rate will see a loss of attention. I love my .22-250
Remington, but with a 1:12-inch twist rate, it doesn’t hold a long-range
candle to the .224 Valkyrie, in spite of the larger case capacity. The
lighter, lower B.C. bullets simply can’t compete at long distances.
Should the rifle manufacturers take this into consideration, and give
the .22-250 a fast twist rate, you’ve got some serious medicine. Same
can be said for the .270 Winchester; it should be able to handle bullets
as heavy as 170 grains, but the common twist rate precludes this.

Things come full circle, with the formula for the 7×57 Mauser – mild velocity and a high S.D, bullet – coming into vogue again.
As a result of the Creedmoor and the cartridges similarly designed,
we may very well see a series of cartridges that come with a twist rate
that may be a game changer for each particular bore diameter. We may
(and I feel strongly about this one) see a resurgence of those calibers
that offer mild report and recoil, yet have the potential of performing
well at longer ranges. Perhaps a +P designation for the 7×57 and 8×57
Mauser is warranted, to give new life to a design that was way ahead of
its time. Invariably, access to good, affordable ammunition will be a
requirement for the success of any upcoming cartridges, as will the
ability to drive a bullet of exceptional Ballistic Coefficient; the long
range shooting that has been introduced cannot simply be un-introduced.
Keep an eye on those bore diameters that offer a fast twist rate; they
will be the focus of attention for the future.
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