Niryo One: an accessible robot for makers, developers and students - LEKULE

15 Jun 2018

Niryo One: an accessible robot for makers, developers and students

Niryo One is an accessible 6 axis robotic arm, currently available on Kickstarter. The robot, made out of 3D printed parts, is powered by an Arduino Mega board and a Raspberry Pi 3 board. The software part includes a firmware on the Arduino board, and ROS (Robot Operating System) on the Raspberry Pi board.

Niryo’s goal is to allow everyone to learn robotics, and reproduce industrial use cases at home and at school.
Niryo One robotic arm
Niryo One robotic arm

Why Niryo One?

Industrial robots are too expensive and hard to use. They do amazing things and allow great technological progress, but they are not accessible at all.

Robotics is a great challenge for years to come, it will be in every home and every school. Niryo One has been created to allow makers, developers, and educators to finally get access to an industrial-like robotic arm.

What to do with Niryo One

Here are some examples of Niryo One use cases:
  • When you wake up, the robot prepares your breakfast and your coffee;
  • With Niryo App, you can be reminded of certain tasks and let the robot execute them for you, while you are still at office for example;
  • Your kids can play with the robot, and learn basic programming with Blockly;
  • By adding a camera module (will be developed later) you can have a visio call with someone, the robot will hold your smartphone and always keep it in front of you;
  • You can learn mechanics, electronics, and programming, or teach those fields to your students;
  • If you have a student robotics project, you can use Niryo One to develop more useful applications, faster.
STL files and source code on the robot will be released with an open source license in September, after the first shipments of the Kickstarter campaign rewards. You will thus get full access to the robot.

Using Niryo One

There are many ways to control Niryo One:
Teaching mode: You can move the robot with your hands, save different positions, and then press a button to replay the sequence.

Gamepad: With a game controller you can move the robot (joint mode and position mode).
Web/Mobile interface: Here you can give more detailed commands, create multiple sequences, modify them, and replay them when you want. You can activate/deactivate different control modes, and also get some useful data from the robot (current position, data from sensors, and more). This interface will also be connected to the Internet, so you can synchronize all your devices, control the robot from a remote place, and share with your family and friends all around the world.

Blockly: this library is also integrated in the web application, so you can easily teach children to program through a nice graphical block interface.

APIs: For developers, you can create your own program to use with Niryo One, through the different available APIs. For example, you could integrate a Python script inside an existing program to make a bridge with the robot.

Source code: You can learn how everything is working on the robot, and modify any code part to adapt to your specific application. You can also contribute to the official repository to share your progress with other enthusiast robot makers/developers.

Niryo team

Niryo team is composed of passionate robotics engineers who want to spread the world with low cost and useful robots, to improve people’s daily life, and allow everyone to learn new technologies.

Where to get Niryo One?

You can pre-order Niryo One now on Kickstarter. All the robots will be shipped in September this year.
There are 3 different kits:

  • Maker Kit: Get the mechanical structure, electronics boards, free access to Niryo beta cloud service. With this kit you will be able to 3D print the robot by yourself;
  • Full Kit: Get everything above and the 3D printed parts, so you just need to assemble the robot;
  • Fully Assembled Robot: Just open the box, plug the fully assembled robot, and start to use it.

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