Nissan’s New Electric Car Won’t Need a Brake Pedal - LEKULE

24 Jul 2017

Nissan’s New Electric Car Won’t Need a Brake Pedal

Nissan Leaf 2018, the 100% electric car, will be launched with e-Pedal. The car will showcase its single pedal mode for accelerating and decelerating. Nissan claims that this innovative concept is being introduced for the first time in a novel way.

What is e-Pedal?

As we all now, to accelerate a car, the driver has to step on the pedal and to halt, the driver has to press brake. In the case of the e-Pedal, a single pedal is used to step up or decelerate the car. If the driver wishes to brake the car, all he/she needs to do is take their foot off the pedal. The car will be decelerating quickly and it will come to a halt. This is called regenerative braking technology.

[Image Source: Nissan]
In a press release, Nissan says, “The e-Pedal technology represents another key milestone in Nissan’s ongoing commitment to bring accessible, advanced driver assistance technologies to the mainstream. Set to make driving safer and more enjoyable, the development of these technologies is part of Nissan Intelligent Mobility, the company’s blueprint for transforming how cars are driven, powered and integrated into society.” Nissan claims that the newly introduced e-Pedal is good enough for 90% of the driving conditions within the city.

How regenerative braking works

However, the concept of e-Pedal is not new. BMW i3, Volkswagen Golf, and Chevrolet Bolt EV have already adapted to e-Pedals through regenerative braking technology. This revolutionary regenerative braking technology is already in vogue in some hybrid cars. The kinetic energy lost during braking is used to charge the battery, thereby helping battery to charge up further.

“With the flip of a switch, the technology turns your accelerator into an e-Pedal, allowing drivers to accelerate, decelerate and stop using just the e-Pedal. e-Pedal technology is the world’s first one-pedal operation that allows drivers to bring the car to a complete stop even on hills, stay in position, and resume driving instantly.

Nissan asserts that with the help of e-Pedal traffic conditions will be eased off significantly while driving in the city. City driving can be stressful switching between three or two pedals depending upon regular internal combustion or electric cars. Nissan hopes with the advent of this revolutionary e-Pedal, the drivers will surely enjoy driving.

But, Nissan is not completely doing away with the brake pedal right now, at least its statement suggests. The change over to e-Pedal is facilitated by the press of a button. Though other brands also offer e-Pedal functioning cars, Nissan’s e-Pedal procedure is less complicated compared to others. Also, with Nissan Leaf e-Pedal, the switching is easy and it promises the car will stand still without the need for braking, even on hills.

[Image Source: Nissan]

The Japanese company has first launched LEAF (Leading Environmentally-friendly Affordable Cars) in 2010 in the US and Japanese markets, followed by European markets in 2011. The all new Nissan Leaf 2018 edition will be launched on September 6, 2017. Confident of huge customer demand, the company plans to mass produce the Leaf car.

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