9 Aug 2016



While the electrical contractor’s interest in a contract tends to be centered on the provision of a power-fed electrical installation which meets the requirement of the client specification, there are other services with which he may be involved, these are outlined in general in this chapter. The extent to which these services are part of the overall electrical provision of clients premises depends on the function of the building or buildings.

 When new building are being considered the client or owner considers the extent to which additional services (e.g radio and tv, aerials public address systems, fire alarms, clocks, telephones) are required. There is of course the difficulty and cost incurred if these are installed after the main building is completed. The disturbance to decorations is an expected result of inadequate planning and adds further expense which can be avoided in the initial stages of the electrical provisions.

Multi-tenanted office blocks require really detailed planning for the provision of adequate socket-outlets for mains-operated machines, and for bell and telephone circuit with outlets placed in all possible strategic positions which will appear right irrespective of alterations in sectional-wall position, change in the position of desk and other office furniture, or changes in the functions of rooms. Separate metering for different tenants may also have to be considered.

Industrial premises have their areas reasonably stable once the machinery and equipment is installed.Even so, the system of secondary electrical services have to be considered in the event of possible foreseeable changes.

Domestic premises present the least number of problem  where the provision of services is required. However, it is common now a day to cater for door-bells,radio and Tv aerials and earth point, and Post Office telephone. Boarding house and hotel may require extended bell-call system and extension phone connected to a small private exchange switchboard.

Premise which comprise a number of building may require outdoor lighting, food-lighting provision, or road lighting.

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