Texas Instruments MSP432E401Y/MSP432E411Y SimpleLink Ethernet MCUs | Featured Product Spotlight - LEKULE


30 May 2018

Texas Instruments MSP432E401Y/MSP432E411Y SimpleLink Ethernet MCUs | Featured Product Spotlight

This Featured Product Spotlight is part of a video series exploring the specifications, applications, and market context of new products.

Texas Instruments MSP432E401Y/MSP432E411Y SimpleLink Ethernet MCUs 

Texas Instruments’ MSP-EXP432E401Y SimpleLink Ethernet MCU LaunchPad Development Kit is a development platform for the MSP432E4 family of MCUs, which integrate an Ethernet MAC & PHY, a 120 MHz Arm Cortex-M4F CPU, a broad set of communication peripherals, and high-performance analog and digital functionality. The MCUs are designed to be a cost-effective solution for applications with extensive processing and connectivity requirements.

The kit is based on the MSP432E401Y and offers the 80-pin LaunchPad standard interface, with two independent BoosterPack XL connectors for hardware expansion. TI offers a variety of BoosterPack modules, including multiple wireless options which developers can use to create a wireless gateway. The board offers ethernet as well as USB OTG connectors. It also has an on-board XDS-110 emulator and is supported by the SimpleLink SDK, which allows developers to easily add functionality and cloud integration, and provides for 100% code reuse across the SimpleLink platform.

By integrating the PHY, TI provides a solution for designers faced with shrinking form factors and budgets. The SimpleLink Ethernet MCUs allow designers to save up to 91% on BOM and assembly costs, use 93% less PCB space, and reduce active and standby power consumption by 76% and 74% respectively. Of course, this integration makes the design itself simpler, and it improves signal margin, increasing reliability. In addition to Ethernet, the MCUs offer more than 20 serial interfaces, including CAN, USB, SPI, I2C, and UART, to connect to and control sensors and actuators.

Connected devices also require security, and the MSP432E4 family offers AES, DES, SHA, and MD5 hardware engines to accelerate encryption and decryption. There is also an integrated CRC accelerator and tamper detection pins. The MCUs integrate dual 12-bit, 2 Msps ADCs with a total of 24 channels and 3 analog comparator controllers, while 8 PWM outputs and a quadrature encoder interface are available for motion control. The MSP432E401Y offers 90 GPIOs, while the MSP432E411Y offers 140 GPIOs, and adds a TFT-LCD controller and 1-wire interface. And for more details on TI’s SimpleLink Ethernet MCU LaunchPad Development Kit and the MSP432E4 family of MCUs, visit Mouser.com.

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