Swapping incandescent light bulbs to Compact Fluorescent Lights - LEKULE


20 Dec 2015

Swapping incandescent light bulbs to Compact Fluorescent Lights

fluorescent bulbs

In the USA, if each house swapped three 60W bulbs for (CFL) also called Compact Fluorescent Lamps  or fluorescent bulbs using one quarter the energy (15W), and they were used six hours per day, the saving of CO2 emission would be equivalent to putting 3,500,000 cars off the road!
Great !

But are these energy savings so outstanding ?

In fact, each household could make exactly the same energy savings by driving their cars 1.2 miles less per day.

Big deal?
I planto give you next time some facts about how green are these  fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) …

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