CHADEMA in Iringa Urban Constituency has raised from ashes by scooping 14 wards in this year general elections as compared to last general elections in 2010 when they got only one ward out of 18, the SIMBAYABLOG has discovered.
Chadema in 2010 general elections had only one ward but in this year general elections have managed to get 14 wards out of 18 total wards in the Iringa Municipality.
In the well-contested general elections 2015 CCM has managed to retrieve only four wards out of 18 including Miyomboni-Kitanzini, Nduli, Mlandege and Mshindo wards.
The former Iringa Town Mayor, Amani Mwamwindi has hold on to his Mlandege Ward but this time around be a ordinary ward councilor because the all municipal council will be under Chadema.
The wards which Chadema has shoveled in this year’s general elections including Kihesa, Mtwivilla, Ilala, Gangilonga, Mivinjeni, Kwakilosa, Ruaha, Mkimbizi, Mkwawa, Kitwiru, Makorogoni, Mwangata, Isakalilo and Igumbilo.
However, police in Iringa has fired tear gas canisters and pepper spray to disperse Chadema and CCM supporters who gathered around Iringa Municipal Council offices demanding Returning Officer, Ahmad Sawa to announce the parliamentary election results.
The supporters from both parties were chanting around the streets before the police dispersed them to maintain rule and order in the town.
Some shops and streets were closed but only armed police in uniforms and plain clothes were seen going around the parts of the town to contain the angry mob.
The returning officer for Iringa Urban Constituency, Ahmad Sawa pronounced Rev. Peter Simon Msigwa (Chadema) as a winner by scooping 34,154 votes, against CCM opponent Frederick Wilfred Mwakalebela who got 32,406 votes, equivalent to 42.6 %.
In other words Rev. Msigwa defeated Mwakalebela by 10,748 votes, equivalent to 56.6 percent.
Other contestants in the race were Chiku Abwao (ACT-Wazalendo) who got 411 votes, Daud Issa Masasi (ADC) 123 votes, Paulina Lameck Mgimwa (Chausta) with 66 votes and Robert Alexander Kisinini (DP) 56 votes.