I Find a lot of Inspiration in Robotic Design Concepts - LEKULE


23 Jun 2018

I Find a lot of Inspiration in Robotic Design Concepts

Imagination is never-ending, concepts surfacing in the robotics field reveal interesting ideas which can be an inspiration source for future projects.

From idea to final product the road is often full of obstacles, but everything starts with an idea and eventually ends as a product on the shelves of stores. The images presented in this article include robotic concepts drawn in shapes that seem to disregard any rule. From abstract concepts to uncommon characteristics, these examples of robotic design concepts are meant to inspire and to give impetus to future projects.

We’re awaiting comments and concepts based on your ideas.

01. ParcelRobot

02. Beetle

03. Robots Peace

04. Working Unit

05. Walker Corp

06. Robo Scorpion

07. Marine Drone Vehicle Concept

08. Robot-watcher

09. Lionoid

10. IE Robots

11. Pentadactylon


13. Beyond of the Fictional Universe

14. Interactive Air Robots

15. Prototype

16. Autonomous Railroad Probe

17. 3D Pulsar Robot Model

18. Rescue Pack Concept


20. Predator Drone

21. Robot Bunny

22. Robot Mobot v1

23. Fenris Mech

24. Nanophea

25. Tufan Dyson Service Robot

26. C-BOT

27. C.R.A.B. Robot

28. Blade

29. Mech Chameleon


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