Würth REDEXPERT AC Loss Tool | New Product Brief - LEKULE


25 Aug 2017

Würth REDEXPERT AC Loss Tool | New Product Brief

This New Product Brief (NPB) is part of a video series highlighting the features, applications, and technical specs of newly-released products.

Würth Electronics REDEXPERT AC Loss Tool

Würth Electronics REDEXPERT AC Loss Tool helps designers find the ideal power inductors and ferrites for their DC/DC converter, with greater accuracy than traditional Steinmetz models. This is because the models are based on real power inductors in a switching controller setup, rather than sinusoidal excitation of ring core inductors. Users are able to enter their specific parameters to find the right component and determine its performance across various operating conditions.
Losses include the core and winding loss as well as losses based on the specific geometries of components. REDEXPERT also provides the expected temperature rise, with simulations validated with lab measurements.
  • World’s most accurate AC loss model
  • Compare multiple components simultaneously
  • Lab validated component data
  • Duty cycles supported: 10% to 90%
  • Switching frequency range: 10 kHz to 10 MHz
  • Mouser cart integration ensures order accuracy
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