Magenn Power Air Rotor System (MARS) is a patented high altitude
lighter-than-air tethered device that rotates about a horizontal axis in
response to wind, efficiently generating clean renewable electrical
energy at a lower cost than all competing systems. This electrical
energy is transferred down the tether to a transformer at a ground
station and then transferred to the electricity power grid. Helium (an
inert non-reactive lighter than air gas) sustains the Air Rotor which
ascends to an altitude for best winds and its rotation also causes the
Magnus effect. This provides additional lift, keeps the device
stabilized, keeps it positioned within a very controlled and restricted
location, and causes it to pull up overhead rather than drift downwind
on its tether.
competing conventional wind generators use bladed two-dimensional
disk-like structures and rigid towers. The Magenn Power Air Rotor system
is a closed three-dimensional structure (cylinder). It offers high
torque, low starting speeds, and superior overall efficiency thanks to
its ability to deploy higher.
The closed structure allows Magenn Power to produce
wind rotors from very small to very large sizes at a fraction of the
cost of current wind generators.
The distinct advantages of the Magenn Air Rotor System design are as follows:
- Magenn Air Rotor System is less expensive per unit of actual electrical energy output than competing wind power systems.
- Magenn Power Air Rotor System will deliver time-averaged output much closer to its rated capacity than the capacity factor typical with conventional designs. Magenn efficiency will be 25 to 60 percent. This is hugely important, since doubling capacity factor cuts the cost of each delivered watt by half.
- Wind farms can be placed closer to demand centers, reducing transmission line costs and transmission line loses.
- Magenn Air Rotors are operable between 2 meter/sec and in excess of 28 meters/sec.
- Magenn Air Rotors can be raised to higher altitudes, thus capitalizing on higher winds aloft. Altitudes from 400-ft to 1,000-ft above ground level are possible, without having to build an expensive tower, or use a crane to perform maintenance.
- Magenn Air Rotors are mobile and can be easily moved to different locations to correspond to changing wind patterns. Mobility is also useful in emergency deployment and disaster relief situations.
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