A radioactive atom is one that spontaneously emits energetic
particles or waves (known as radiation). This radiation is emitted when
an unstable (i.e. radioactive) nucleus transforms to some other nucleus
or energy level. Imagine a big ball made of magnets that’s spinning
really fast. Sometimes a few pieces of the magnet will shoot out and hit
the wall. That’s kind of what radiation is like. As it applies to nuclear energy, many materials created during the operation of a reactor
are unstable. As they decay over varying lengths of time (from
microseconds to hundreds of thousands of years), they emit energetic
particles or waves. The energy carried by this radiation is often
sufficient to cause damage to biological cells and is therefore a health
risk. Thus, radiation is the primary cause of safety concerns related
to nuclear energy.
If you’re looking for math, see the math behind radioactive decay page.
Types of Nuclear Radiation
There are several types of particles or waves that may
shoot out of a radioactive nucleus. Alpha particles, beta particles,
gamma rays, and neutrons are the most common forms of ionizing (i.e.
dangerous) radiation.
Alpha Particles
Named alpha because they were the first to be
discovered, these particles are made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons: the
helium nucleus. Often, large atoms decay by emitting an energetic alpha
particle. These particles are relatively large and positively charged,
and therefore do not penetrate through matter very well. A thin piece of
paper can stop almost any alpha particle. However, the particles cause
extreme damage of materials that they stop in by displacing atoms as
they slow. Paper under sustained alpha-irradiation would degrade.
Beta Particles
Beta particles are energetic electrons that are emitted from
the nucleus. They are born when a neutron decays to a proton. Since
neutrons are neutral particles and protons are positive, conservation of
charge requires a negatively charged electron to be emitted. Some
isotopes decay by converting a proton to a neutron, thus emitting a
positron (an anti-electron). These particles can penetrate matter more
than can alpha particles, and it takes a small aluminum plate to stop
most beta particles.
Gamma rays
Gamma rays are photons that are emitted from the nucleus.
Often an atom in an excited state will de-excite by emitting a gamma
ray. Gamma rays are similar to light waves and x-rays, except they are
usually much higher frequency and consequently, more energetic. This
radiation has no charge, and can penetrate most matter easily, requiring
lead bricks for shielding.
"Man-made" radiation
Smoke detectors
Smoke detectors make use of the isotope Americium-241.
This isotope emits alpha-particles at energies up to 5.4 MeV. The
energetic alpha particles are used to ionize air. Once the air is
ionized, a small current runs through it. When smoke enters the chamber,
the current experiences an increase in resistance and a circuit sounds
the alarm.
Coal-burning power plants
Coal is an impure fuel, and it usually contains 1.3 ppm
of uranium and 3.4 ppm of thorium (not to mention arsenic, mercury, and
sulfur). When coal burns, these isotopes are emitted into the
atmosphere, where they enter our ecosystem. This leads to the astounding
fact that the population effective dose equivalent from coal plants is
100 times that from nuclear plants.
Nuclear weapon detonations
The hundreds of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests that
occurred before they were banned by the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty
left long-lived radioisotopes in the atmosphere. Some of these are still
in the atmosphere and account for some of our daily dose.
Natural radiation
Radon gas
This natural occurring gas comes from soil and is found
throughout the world. It emits alpha particles, and can therefore damage
DNA and lead to cancer if inhaled. The EPA recommends you check your
house for radon gas.
Cosmic rays
Cosmic rays are energetic particles that originate
outside of earth, in the sun, distant stars, galaxies, and supernovae.
Most of these are protons. The atmosphere shields us from most cosmic
rays, but during air travel, one will accumulate much higher dose. Don’t
believe us? Check out our Radiation on Flights page.
Video of radiation detection
Watch the a video of a few of us detecting radiation from household items.
Background readings in Ann Arbor, MI
For a class in 2005, with no radioactive sources within
range, we measured a long (30 minutes +) reading with a high-purity
germanium (HPGe) gamma-ray detector system. We then identified the
source of each peak. The spectrum is shown in the figure. Click it for
the identifications. HPGe detectors are known for excellent resolutions,
and as you can see, many peaks are clearly visible. Each one represents
a specific nuclear reaction. Some major gamma-rays are highlighted on
the figure. Thallium-208 is a decay-product of Thorium-232,
which is naturally present in soil. Protactinium-234 results from the
natural alpha-decay of Uranium-238. Potassium-40 is found all around,
including in bananas and in salt-substitutes at the grocery store.
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