LED - Photovoltaic loop generator - LEKULE


28 Oct 2015

LED - Photovoltaic loop generator

 The LED - Photovoltaic loop generator, also known as a photoelectric cell loop generator, is a nice and easy to build topology of a free energy generating device. This self-operating system is using on a principle of the photovoltaic cell and LED light source loop. Such topology was only a dream of scientists, a music of the future for decades. Thousands of researchers were trying to build the light loop self running free energy generator with no success. The most serious problem of the old non-working designs was the use of very inefficient light sources. First experiments were done with incadescent light bulbs, only converting about 2-3% of power into light. Then the scientists focused on fluorescent lamps. They are much more efficient, but even fluorescents did not succeed.
The efficiency of votovoltaic cells also increased over time, but the fotovoltaic cells progress itself could not allow the operation of the Photovoltaic loop generator. The theoretical limits were still making the Fluorescent - Photovoltaic loop free energy generator impossible even with the use of the light concentrator. Because of theoretical quantum limits of the fluorescent tubes and the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit of the Photovoltaic cells, this design was impossible in practical world.
Finally, the power LEDs brought complete revolution into the world of light sources in last few years, overcoming all the previous efficiency limits. Besides their benefits to the world of lighting, they also brought the possibility Of reaching the overunity state of the light loop system and thus making the self running optical circulating system producible in the real world.
The LED - Photovoltaic loop generator self running free energy device is capable of generating low to lower-medium levels of power. It is suitable as a nice decorative gadget or a demonstrating machine of a the principle of free energy generation. Generating usefull electricity up to lower-medium level is also fairly possible with this topology of overunity device. Higher powers are also possible, but the problem is the cost of the LEDs and Photovoltaic cells of higher powers. On the other hand, the world of such devices is still in progress and the cheapening of the production process can make the LED - Photovoltaic loop generator of electrical high power possible in the near future.
The LED - Photovoltaic loop generator works on a principle of the light - electricity and vice versa conversion. The overunity effect is achived thanks to the complete solid state semiconductor desing using the silicon in both basic parts of the circle. The superior efficiency of the LED diodes is not the only condition of the overunity state of the generator. As the Shockley-Queisser limit tells the maximum efficiency of the multilayer solar cell to be 86% when considering sunlight, there is another necessary feature to ensure the overunity. This is the light polarisation. The sun light is not polarised, as opposed to the semiconductor light, it can't reach the maximum utilization of its power. The LED, as being the semiconductor, is producing the polarised light, improving the efficiency of the semiconductor solar cell twice. This means, when the LED is rotated into the proper position around its axis, the polarisation vectors are parallel and the assembly is reaching the overunity.
The life time of the LED - Photovoltaic free energy generator is around 100 000 hours of continuous operation. Such a long life time is the result of the completely solid state design - the device has no moving parts which can wear over time. The system is constructed from the LED with lens, aiming its light onto the solar cell. Whem the light losses are not high, the system is capable of reaching the overunity state. The device operation is started by illuminating the Photovoltaic panel while not shading the LED. After startup, the system is self running and allows to connect, besides the LED diode, some other electrical load to the solar cell output. Unless the load is too big for the system, the device continues operating even with this load connected. The operation can be stopped by disconnecting the LED (electrical shutdown method) or by shading the panel (shadow shutdown method). Shutting the device down by shorting the solar panel output is not recommended, as it may lead to its damage. The system was tested with the cool white LED, but there's still room to experiment with other types of LEDs, like warm-white LEDs or color LEDs.
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The example of the non-working experimental setup with the incadescent light bulbs.

The working setup with LED - the external light source startup and shadow shutdown methods.

LED - Photovoltaic loop free energy overunity self running generator in operation.  

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