Biogas Plant Technology by BIOTECH, India - LEKULE


29 Sept 2015

Biogas Plant Technology by BIOTECH, India

Getting rid of waste, both food and human, is essential to hygiene. But waste is also a cost-effective and sustainable source of fuel. The evidence? Well, since 2004 BIOTECH has improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Kerala, Southern India and saved several thousand tonnes per year of CO2 simply by getting rid of waste.
Their success is all down to their biogas digester. Designed to be easily installed, it comes in different sizes to process not only home waste but also market and municipal waste. Digestion produces biogas which in turn reduces reliance on more expensive and harder to access LPG.
BIOTECH has calculated that the average family can pay back the cost of the digester in three years. They also facilitate the government subsidies which may cover part of the installation costs. By 2009 they had installed 16,000 plants in total.
BIOTECH is a burgeoning organisation. It has tripled in size since 2006 and now employs over 140 people with a wider network of installers. It continues to refine and expand the digester model and to spread the word across the country. Unsurprisingly demand is growing. After all, here is a product that works.

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Mrs Gayashree with her BIOTECH biogas plant and umbrella to protect it from falling coconuts.
Biogas plant supplied by BIOTECH at Panavila Muslim Working Women's Hostel, Trivandrum.
Mr Sanjeev, Saji Das and a BIOTECH biogas plant at Saraswathy Vidyalaya school, Trivan